WAHMs Share Their Tips & Tricks for Working with Kids Around

Many moms struggle to balance their work and career goals with motherhood. One attractive option for many of us is working from home, so we can set our own hours and be around when our kids need us. Of course, working from home with babies, toddlers or children around is never easy. I’ve asked some of the work-at-home moms in my network to share how they do it. I hope their tips will help you to creatively juggle your commitments to career and children.

WAHMs Share Their Tips & Tricks for Working with Kids Around

Quiet time is mandatory in our house. When the toddler goes down for his nap, the big kids find a peaceful, quiet activity that doesn’t require my help, input, or attention. ~ Colleen Pressprich, author and blogger at Elevator to Heaven

We try to keep to a simple routine every day so the kids know what to expect. I also prioritize workouts—they help me keep stress at bay and are when I get most of my thinking/reflection time in. ~ Michelle Nott, blogger at Raising Small Things with Great Love.

The key to running a full successful day for me is determined by my preparation the night before. I do most of the chores in the evening time: I make sure the kitchen is clean, lunches are ready and we have food in the fridge. ~ Masha Tkhonova, graphic designer

Working from home has had so much challenge and blessing. I found having a perspective of rhythm and respect for both my time and my kids helps. When I am homeschooling or spending time with them, I am ALL in. BUT I also require respect from them during my “working hours”. Having buy-in as a family really helps, so we spend time dreaming and talking about the purpose of Momma’s work, the impact she is making for others as well as the financial reward for our family. Any chore or responsibility a child can handle… they are called to do to lift the load of the housework from my shoulders as well as teach them we all have work to do. Finally, I set aside a day or two a week for “hands on” activities and expect the kids to lean into other activities such as outside time, Lego and audiobooks, or reading when Mom is working on normal days. Never underestimate the impact on your children when they watch you pursue your dream and work hard and navigate a world of business highs and lows! ~ Alissa Bjorn, Plexus ambassador

Love what you do. My child taught me what unconditional love is, and he also gave me the motivation to do what I love and the drive to be a great role model for him as he grows up (they grow up so fast!). In a way, motherhood gave me what I needed to pursue my dream relentlessly. ~ Arielle Nishimirwe, founder and CEO of Milkii

Focus first on being a mother and wife, and let the rest fall into place. And have a list ready so you can jump in and work when you have the chance! ~ Elayne Miller, entrepreneur at Annunciation Designs.

I think the most important part of being a work-at-home mom is being flexible. I don’t have a schedule that’s set in stone. Some days, the girls play Mega Blocks or Hot Wheels all day and I just need to feed them when they get hungry and I can get lots of blogging done. Other days, we have lots of errands to run or school takes longer or something else comes up, and the blogging doesn’t happen. I try to write my blog posts at least 2-3 days ahead of time so that if family things comes up, I can ignore the computer for a day. At the same time, if the girls are busy with their own play, then I take advantage of that time to get some extra writing done. ~ Bonnie Way, blogger at The Koala Mom

Don’t expect your schedule to look like a normal 8-5. If you need to take it easy in the mornings and then work in the evening when the kids are asleep, do that! Work when you can, rest when you need to. Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit which will inform you of the duty of the moment. If you are doing God’s will, nothing else matters! ~ Tianna Williams, artist

James Clear said, “You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.” After hearing this, I decided to start scheduling everything in my day, prioritizing what was important (like healthy food, exercise) and then scheduling the rest around my priorities. Putting my priorities into an action plan help me set the foundation for success and the result is a more balanced, healthier, and adventure filled life! ~ Jamie Savage, travel blogger at Adventure Awaits

Independent play is HUGE! ~ Sam Mead

It was only when I learned to embrace my primary role as wife and mother, that I saw God bless the fruits of my endeavors. He knows how limited my time is for the things I love to do {my blogging and volunteering}, so when I take care of my less exciting responsibilities, I find the time I do have for the rest is always incredibly blessed and super productive! ~ Martina Kreitzer, founder of Catholic Sistas

I’m fortunate that my kids can be part of my business, so sometimes quality time is filming a workshop with my teens. I also prioritize teaching my kids life skills so that all the household responsibilities don’t fall solely on my shoulders. And ultimately… I lowered the bar on perfection in a lot of areas. ~ Katie Kimball, speaker and teacher at Kitchen Stewardship.

For more tips and inspiration, check out my WAHM Wednesday interview series!

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