Meet Roxanne from Catholic Homebody

I have to say, I love Roxanne’s blog name. I’m a “homebody” myself and so Catholic Homebody just draws me in. If you’re also seeking to create a charming and holy space that your family calls home, read on to learn more about this Catholic mom blogger and her home-making tips.

Meet Roxanne from Catholic Homebody

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TKM: Tell us a bit about yourself!

Roxanne: My name is Roxanne and I am a stay-at-home mother of six kids ages 10 and under.

TKM: When and why did you start Catholic Homebody?

Roxanne: I started blogging about 7-10 years ago as more of a hobby. I always had a dream about blogging more seriously and didn’t start being more intentional with my blog until about 3 years ago.

TKM: How did you come up with your blog name?

Roxanne: My blog first started out as Lifting Up Treehouse because my family was super into woodland themes. Every kid even had a nickname after a woodland animal.

Two years after blogging more seriously and viewing it as a business I want to grow, I rebranded my blog to Catholic Homebody. My blog is all about home life. Topics ranging from DIY home improvement, organization, homeschooling, living liturgically, and about bring our faith into every aspect of our home life. One of my main goals is to also provide quality free printables related to our Catholic faith.

Catholic Homebody blog

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Roxanne: This has varied throughout the years. Honestly, it depends on what season of motherhood I am in. I am currently getting myself back into a schedule and batching everything to maintain my consistency in posting on Catholic Homebody.

TKM: What is your favourite part of blogging? your least favourite part?

Roxanne: My favorite part about blogging is the hope that I am able to bless someone with information/ free resources. My least favorite part is the amount of time I spend on researching technical stuff like SEO optimization, how to add this or that, etc.

Roxanne from Catholic Homebody, painting a door

TKM: What advice would you offer other Catholic mom bloggers?

Roxanne: I would say that if your goal is to create a business from it then have a clear niche, don’t give up, and really put yourself out there. I have been blogging for almost 10 years and have little payback from it and have earned ZERO dollars! Blogging is something I am passionate about therefore I keep working at Catholic Homebody.

TKM: What is your favourite book and why?

Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the HomeRoxanne: Honestly, it depends on the topic. My absolute favorite homeschool book is Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss. She writes so eloquently and she’s so inspiring.

Kimberly Hahn’s Bible studies based on Proverbs 31 are great as well!

TKM: Who is your favourite saint and why?

Roxanne: It’s so hard to pick one favorite saint! Saint Maria Goretti, who is my confirmation saint, is one of my favorite saints. She has done true miracles for my family in ways beyond imaginable. I truly believe if it wasn’t for her intercession, I may not be alive today.

“Sometimes she must leave God at the altar, and find Him in her housekeeping.” ~ Saint Frances of Rome

TKM: What’s a favourite family tradition that your family enjoys (for any time of year)?

Roxanne: One of our favorite traditions is celebrating El Día de Los Reyes (Three Kings Day). My kids love decorating shoeboxes, getting grass for the camels, and waking up to discover gifts from the three kings!

TKM: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Roxanne: Seek guidance from God! Ask Him to reveal to you His will for your blog. Confession is also helpful to be reminded of our humility and the graces received help with not getting caught up in the world. We are called to be in the world but not of it!

More about Roxanne

Roxanne and her husband were cradle Catholics who returned to their faith when they got married in 2009. They now have six children (with one in heaven) under the age of 10. Roxanne homeschools her children and enjoys doing DIY projects. She strives to live frugally, intentionally, and minimally. Her family makes their home in North Virginia.

My main goal in home educating my children is for them to know, love, and serve the Lord along with learning the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church. Homeschooling is a major part of our lives. For us, it is a way of life. We have a heavy influence of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy within our educational methods but overall I am eclectic. ~ Roxanne

Drop by Catholic Homebody to learn more about Catholic minimalism or download one of Roxanne’s awesome printables. You can also find Roxanne on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.

If you liked meeting Roxanne, check out last month’s interview with Catholic mom blogger Colleen Pressprich from Elevator to Heaven.

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