Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint by Ginny Kochis

All of our kids are named for either family members, dear friends, or Catholic saints. While each of them has at least one saint whom they can claim because of either their first or middle name, I also like the idea of choosing a patron saint based on their interests and personalities. That’s exactly what Ginny Kochis helps parents do in her first Family Toolkit, Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint.

I received a copy of this toolkit for review from the author; all opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint

Choosing Your Child's Patron Saint: Family Toolkit Volum 1 by Ginny KochisThis 60-page downloadable package is an easy read, yet will give you tons to consider in raising your children. Ginny discusses how she chose her own kids’ names (hint: none of them are named for saints!) and why we need patron saints. She then goes into how to choose your child’s patron saint.

Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint has several checklists and workpages where you can scribble your notes about your child. I printed my copy and coilbound it (because I find it easier to read that way), but Ginny recommends creating a binder or duotang for your toolkit. That way, you can print multiple copies of certain pages to fill out for each of your children, and change or add pages as your children grow.

Ginny guides you through creating a family mission statement, analyzing your child’s temperament, considering your child’s gifts and interests, and finally, choosing a saint. Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saints includes a list of 100 saints, organized by interest, to get you started. This is a great list of saints that includes some big-name, familiar saints and some new, lesser-known saints.

We can select a patron at any time and for any reason. What a gift to have someone who not only understands our struggles and triumphs but intercedes on our behalf! ~ Ginny

Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saints has adorable illustrations and beautiful quotes from and about saints. As I mentioned, this booklet is an easy read. I went through it in half an hour while sitting at my daughter’s piano lesson. However, it’s a booklet that you’ll want to come back to again, discuss with your spouse, and even update as you learn more about your child.

As my children have gotten older, I’ve been fascinated to watch their personalities and interests develop. This is most apparent in my oldest two daughters (currently ages 11 and 9). They are, in many ways, very different girls. I’ve often thought about their personalities as I consider what activities they should do, what curriculum to choose, and how to support their interests and strengths. I love the idea of choosing a patron saint who is similar to them in all these ways, who can pray for them and inspire them.

Related Resources

The Temperament God Gave Your Kids: Motivate, Discipline, and Love Your ChildrenOne resource which Ginny recommends as you consider your child’s patron saint is The Temperament God Gave Your Kids by Art and Larraine Bennet. I’ve read their other book, The Temperament God Gave You, and have meant to re-read it for quite a while. While Ginny gives an excellent overview of the four temperaments, I’d love to delve into this a bit more to help me understand my daughters. I do recommend grabbing a copy for yourself if you’re working through Ginny’s toolkit.

Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint is the first in the Family Toolkit Series. Volume 2, Executive Decisions: A Practical Guide to Re-ordering Your Family’s Heart, Head and Home is now available and more titles are coming soon. Ginny is also the author of Grace Grows in the Trenches: 5 Minute Meditations for the Weary Catholic Mom and Unique and Unrepeatable: A Catholic Guide to Parenting the Gifted and 2E.

Teach your children the Catholic faith this Advent, with Ginny Kochis' new Family Toolkit workbooks!

THIS WEEK ONLY, grab both of Ginny’s workbooks PLUS a host of other Catholic resources for only $25!!! The 2019 Catholic Mom Bundle includes workbooks, printables, courses, and eBooks worth $362. That’s a good chunk of change! But for 5 days we’re selling all our products as a bundle for only $25. All these products are created by Catholic moms like Ginny and me (my North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book is in the bundle too!) for moms like YOU. Check it out but don’t wait too long as the sale ENDS November 22nd.

For more saint ideas, check out my lists:

More about Ginny Kochis

I want to help people understand the truth of the Catholic faith and the beauty and flexibility of homeschooling. So that’s why my blog is called Not So Formulaic—my philosophies don’t fit the standard formula. ~ Ginny

Ginny Kochis is the mom of three gifted and twice-exceptional children. A former teacher, she now homeschools her children. She blogs about faith, homeschooling and raising “difficult” kids at Not So Formulaic. You can also find Ginny on Facebook and Instagram.

Choosing Your Child’s Patron Saint is available for download from Ginny’s website.

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