Week by Week Guide to Twin Pregnancy

When people find out that I’m a twin, they often ask me what that’s like—and what my chances of having twins myself are. While I haven’t yet had a twin pregnancy, the question does come up in my head each time I get pregnant. Twin pregnancy is becoming more common and is a little bit different than just carrying one baby. For an overview of what to expect, check out this week by week guide to twin pregnancy.

Fun story: when my mom went for her ultrasound with my brother and I, the doctor exclaimed, “Jeepers creepers, there’s two in there!” For the rest of her pregnancy, my mom and dad jokingly referred to us as Jeepers and Creepers. That was, of course, better than the nicknames we inherited once we graduated to solid foods and drinking on our own… my parents then lovingly called us Sludge and Backwash.

Week by Week Guide to Twin Pregnancy

Twins are often slightly smaller at birth than single babies. I was 8 lbs at birth and my brother was 6 lbs, so my mom was carrying 14 lbs of baby! In her final month of pregnancy, she could put a cofffee cup on her tummy and let go. Her belly was big enough to hold the mug! She also ended up on bed rest for the end of pregnancy, and spent her time knitting sweaters for herself and my dad. She hasn’t knit since.

Do remember that each woman, each baby, and each pregnancy is unique. This infographic contains general information about twin pregnancy; your experience may be different. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your health care provider.

For more information about twin pregnancies, drop by the Twin Stuff website (they created this lovely infographic).

Are you a twin momma or do you know someone who’s expecting twins?

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