Homeschool Science made easy with WriteBonnieRose {review}

Summer is a great time to study science because it’s so easy to get out and observe the world around us. Whether we’re hiking through BC’s beautiful forests, playing at the beach, or checking what the weather is like for our next camping trip, we’re doing homeschool science. I was excited to have the chance to review the Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Print) from WriteBonnieRose to help bring our summer learning alive.

Homeschool Science made easy with the Learning About Science Collection from WriteBonnieRose

We received a PDF copy of the Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Print), which I printed on our computer. I then had the entire collection coil-bound at our local office supply store. You could just put them into a binder as well or use them loose like worksheets as well.

What’s in the Learning About Science Collection

The Learning About Science Collection is comprised of seven booklets, each about twenty pages long. While all the pages are black and white, they include plenty of drawings and bubble words to help make the topics more interesting. Students can personalize each book by coloring the illustrations and tracing the key words in print in the space provided (thus combining science and handwriting with science!)

Sunshine was actually really excited when I showed her the booklets, and asked, “Can I colour them?” She’s enjoyed decorating her homeschool science book while reading.

Learning about sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in the Learning About Science collection (Level 3) from WriteBonnieRose

Each booklet in the Learning About Science Collection includes a short, fun review section (with picture answers!) and a review answer key. There’s also a list of Helpful Creation Science Websites available, and more links for each booklet. This makes it easy to go online and find more information about the topics your kids are interested in.

Learning about Science Level 3 bundle from Write Bonnie RosePhysical Science includes:

  • Energy & Its Many Forms

Earth Science includes:

  • Discovering Rocks, Minerals & Crystals
  • Exploring the Earth’s Landforms
  • Forecasting & Understanding the Weather

Life Science includes:

  • What’s Going On Inside Plants?
  • Life in the Ocean’s Hidden Zones
  • Kinds of Animals & How They Live

How we’ve been Learning About Science

My girls love collecting rocks (much to my dryer’s dismay). At every campground we’ve visited, they’ve acquired handfuls and pocketfuls of the local rocks. We took a second look at their rock collections after reading “Discovering Rocks, Minerals and Crystals” and tried to determine what sorts of rocks they’d found. It was also interesting to compare rocks we found at the local beaches to rocks we found further inland.

Our hikes to various waterfalls have been a good way to discuss landforms, as Helmcken Falls in Wells Gray Provincial Park is very different than Shannon Falls near Squamish. I appreciate the signage at these parks, explaining the geology behind the landforms. Reading “Exploring the Earth’s Landforms” let us learn more about our favourite falls and other landmarks, such as islands we’ve seen around Vancouver or beaches and lakes we’ve visited.

My brother recently sent us a few videos about a project he participated in at work. This raised some questions about what he does. “Forecasting & Understanding the Weather” helped me explain his job as a meteorologist. My brother is one of those people who measures and tracks the local weather, so that when we want to go camping, we can pack either shorts or hoodies for our trip!

Click here to read more reviews of the Write Bonnie Rose science books from the Homeschool Review Crew.

When I talk to homeschool moms, or those contemplating homeschooling, I feel like homeschool science often looms as this huge fear. We may feel inadequate to teach science, especially for those of us who didn’t like science as a kid (I’m looking at myself!) or don’t have a science degree ourselves. That’s why I love finding resources like the Learning about Science Collection from WriteBonnieRose. That’s homeschool science made easy, the way it should be.

Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Print) presents earth, life and physical science in an engaging, interesting manner. Kids and parents alike will be drawn into learning more about the world around them, from the rocks in the dryer yard to the flowers they’re picking.

Sunshine reading her homeschool science from WriteBonnieRose

Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Print) is available as a package or as individual downloads. There are currently three levels available, in either Print or Cursive. I chose Level 3 for Sunshine and Lily, as they usually do science together. You can use these booklets as a complete homeschool science curriculum for younger children, or as a jumping-off point for more study for older children.

More about Write Bonnie Rose

Write Bonnie Rose logoBonnie Rose has been part of the writing team at The Old Schoolhouse since 2012. Although she was never homeschooled and doesn’t have kids, she loves writing for kids and is an ardent supporter of homeschoolers. She says, “My heart’s desire is for every child to feel the love of God and know how special they are to Him.” You can find Bonnie Rose on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ and subscribe to her email newsletter for access to her homeschool freebies.

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How do you get your kids excited about homeschool science? Do YOU worry about how to tackle homeschool science with them?

Check out my Big List of Homeschool Science Resources for more ideas to support your homeschool learning!

Big List of Homeschool Science Resources

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