Behind the Blog with Kat Petrunia from Our Happy Place

Kat Petrunia is another blogger whom I’ve met through the Vancouver mom blogging community. She’s a woman whose sense of style—both in person and online—I envy. I also enjoy reading her blog, which is Pinterest-pretty but also down-to-earth and honest. Here, Kat shares the story behind her blog and her advice for other bloggers.

Behind the blog with Kat Petrunia from Our Happy Place

TKM: First, tell us a bit about Kat Petrunia.

My name is Kat Petrunia and I’m mom to two crazy and amazing kids and wife to my husband Will. In addition to blogging and freelancing in marketing, I am co-owner of a photo styling / marketing company, Captured In Squares, with one of my best friends, Janette (a fellow blogger).

TKM: When and why did you start blogging?

I’ve been blogging for a little over 4 years. I started after the birth of my daughter. I was seeking a creative outlet while being home with a baby, and created my blog, The Pampered Baby, when she was one month old (I rebranded to Our Happy Place a year ago).

TKM: How did you come up with your blog name?

With my previous blog, the name was a reflection of my phase of life. When I decided to rebrand about a year and a half ago, I knew I wanted something that was more reflective of the content I was sharing and the overall message I wanted to share with readers.

I like to write about a variety of topics and want my blog to be a fun place with things like DIYs, recipes, and fashion, but I also want it to be a real and honest place online where people can come to read something that resonates with them.

Our Happy Place

For me, “Our Happy Place” means finding/ creating your own happy. Life is a journey, one that is amazing and beautiful, but also challenging and painful at times. I wanted my new blog name to reflect this mantra. It’s the guiding principle I try to live by—it’s not always easy!—but one I hope visitors to the blog come away thinking about.

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

I try to post 2 times per week, but I don’t have a set schedule. It tends to vary base on the content I’m working on.

TKM: What is your favourite part of blogging? Your least favourite part?

My favourite part of blogging is the connections I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had because of it. I met one of my best friends through blogging and our friendship, along with others that have developed as an extension of blogging, have come to be some of my closest connections. I’ve also had the pleasure to attend events and enjoy different experiences that I probably wouldn’t have been able to.

My least favourite part is probably the emotional roller coaster that can develop. My blog is my creative outlet and in many ways is an extension of myself. I have to remind myself sometimes to calm down and not get too stressed out, things have a way of working out. I’ve learned not to let the little things get to me (most of the time) and to look at the big picture; not to sweat the small stuff. It isn’t always easy, but I also have others I can talk to who can relate, and we all confide in each other on the tough days.

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

Do it because you love it, because you have a passion for it. Care about what you’re putting out into the world, but have fun with it and learn to laugh/ not take yourself too seriously. It is an amazing thing but isn’t as easy as it looks; a lot of time and effort goes into a blog, and even more to monetize it.

If earning an income is a goal for you, chat with other bloggers and see what advice they have. Everyone has had a different journey and there are a variety of ways to succeed, you just have to find what works for you.

TKM: What is your favourite social media platform and why?

It’s a toss up between Pinterest and Instagram, but I’d probably have to say Pinterest. I love looking through ideas and I treat it like Google! It’s been a fun tool for the blog, but also one I enjoy on a personal level which is a nice added bonus.

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