How to Get More Done as a Mom

A common topic of conversation that comes up when I’m chatting with my mom friends is getting things done. We all have a long list of things to do each day, from baking to blogging, homeschooling to housework. We joke about how nice it would be to hire a maid or a chef or a nanny. The reality is, we just want to know how to get more done as a mom.

When I saw the title of Sterling Jaquith’s ebook, I knew exactly what to read next. And yes, I know “reading” is something that often gets pushed aside on a mom’s to-do list. I’ve always rocked my babies to sleep for their first few years, and that’s my reading time. In the space it took Pearl to fall asleep one night, I’d finished reading Refresh: A Catholic Mom Guide to Getting More Done.

Refresh: A Catholic Mom Guide to Getting More Done by Sterling Jaquith

Sterling is down-to-earth and honest about being a mom. She shares her own struggles as a hormonal, pregnant newlywed who’d recently joined the Catholic Church and had almost no housekeeping skills. I love her “tunnel” analogy for moms with one or two young children:

The tunnel is where parents live until their oldest child is about five or six. As soon as your oldest begins to be, not only more self-sufficient, but also more a helper, the flow of family life changes dramatically.

I’ve been seeing that recently (as I try to tell all the moms who look at me in awe for having four kids). Despite that, I still feel disorganized and inefficient most days. It was refreshing to hear Sterling recommend humility and Google for all the things we don’t know or can’t do as moms.

With short chapters and quick exercises, Sterling walks readers through simple, practical tips on how to get more done. While I read through Refresh: A Catholic Mom Guide to Getting More Done quickly, I want to go back through the ebook with my pen and my journal. Sterling’s tips seem simple, but I know they’ll take time to implement.

If you also wonder how to get more done as a mom, I recommend Refresh: A Catholic Mom Guide to Getting More Done.

Sterling and her husband currently live in Boise, Idaho. They have four children and a Border Collie who likes to nap. She joined the Catholic Church as an adult in 2010. Now she is passionate about sharing the Catholic faith, and says, “I believe that if the 77 million Catholics in America were to truly understand and embrace their Catholic faith, we could change the world.” She has also written three other books.

To learn more about Sterling and her books or programs, drop by her website.


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