Behind the Blog with Angie from the Yellow Pelican

Angie Windnagle is the mom of three boys (with a girl on the way) and the blogger behind the Yellow Pelican. She has a degree from Franciscan University and worked as a youth director before becoming a mom. Today, I’m delighted to chat with her about blogging and motherhood and how they go together!

Angie Windnagle, the mom blogger behind the Yellow Pelican

TKM: First, tell us a bit about yourself.

Angie: I really love coffee and Jesus. I grew up in the midwest, went to college in Steubenville, OH, traveled a bit, then worked as a Director of Youth Formation at a parish in Texas for four years before staying at home with my growing family. I have an amazing husband who serves in the US Coast Guard and we have three boys with a girl on the way. Life is crazy and fun and fueled my previously mentioned love of coffee and Jesus.

TKM: When and why did you start blogging?

Angie: I published my first blog post on the Yellow Pelican a little over a year ago. I started mostly because I saw a need in myself to connect with other Catholic families seeking to faithfully live out the vocation to marriage and parenting. I love so many Catholic blogs but couldn’t find one that was for the average Catholic family chatting about the ordinary parts of our lives that can bring us to sanctity.

Around the same time I was feeling called to use my degree again (Catechetics and Theology). Having so many young children and beginning to homeschool with my husband’s schedule, it just wasn’t practical or really possible. After some prayer, I put the two together and decided to combine both desires in the form of a blog aimed at supporting and encouraging Catholic families the every day stuff we go through.

TKM: How did you come up with the Yellow Pelican for your blog name?

Angie: One of my favorite symbols of the Eucharist is the image of a mother pelican tearing at her chest to feed her starving children her flesh. The example of that gift of self really resonates with me as a parent during the hard times I give of myself. I liked it for the blog considering the niche I’m writing for, then I chose yellow just for an image of light and joy because amidst the hard there’s a lot of joy on this path.

The Yellow Pelican

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Angie: A little of both. I’ve tried a schedule of twice weekly and was able to keep up with it for a while. I’m also realistic with myself and received some great advice from a fellow Catholic blogger that the blog should never get in the way of your vocation. When I see that my family needs more from me, I gladly put the blog on the back burner until things are a little more peaceful again.

TKM: What is your favourite part of blogging? your least favourite part?

Angie: I love when something I write really helps someone. It’s humbling and really awesome to see that words on a screen can reach people I’ve never met and connect us as Catholics on the same journey.

My least favorite part is putting my name and face on things I write or promote. When people love stuff, it’s easy to feel prideful; when people hate stuff, it’s easy to take it too personally. It’s a hard balance for me to build an authentic blog and seek to help others while also staying detached from praise or criticism.

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

Angie: Write about something you’d write even if it were anonymous with no chance of making money. Then you know it’s coming from an authentic place and you’ll be in a good spot to really reach and help others. Numbers are just numbers, but people are individuals you have the chance to impact in a positive way through your writing. Focus on what matters.

TKM: What is your favourite social media platform and why?

Angie: I love Facebook because I feel it’s multi-faceted. I can have a conversation with followers, share personal things about me or reflections, and reach a lot of new people with links to my posts. I also love that others can share what they like easier than on Instagram.

If you enjoyed this interview, you may also enjoy my interview with Jean Lomas from this slow process.

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  1. ABby November 21, 2017
    • Bonnie Way November 21, 2017
      • ABby November 21, 2017
  2. Mollie October 17, 2017
    • Bonnie Way October 18, 2017

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