Quarterly Blog Tasks

While there are many things I do every day in writing and promoting my blog, I also have a list of quarterly blog tasks. These are minor things that need updating once in a while, or at least checking to make sure that they are up-to-date. Some involve free online tools; others just require a look. Here, in no particular order, are my quarterly blog tasks.


Delete Revision Posts

WordPress saves a post revision every time you hit “safe draft” when working on a post, or at regular intervals. If, like me, you’ve lost a few posts after writing them, you hit “safe draft” frequently and thus have multiple revision posts for every post you publish. Thankfully, there’s a plugin for that! Just install Better Delete Revision and run it every three months to get rid of those extra posts (which can slow down your site).

Check for Broken Links

Broken links create a bad user experience. This can happen because other sites change their URLs or disappear, because something got mis-typed in a post, or because you deleted or renamed a post. Free Broken Link Checker is an online tool you can use to check for these broken links. Just enter your URL on the site and it will let you know which posts need some attention.

Update Your Media Kit

Make sure all the information on your media kit is up-to-date and accurate. I like to update my stats, add any testimonials I’ve received, and review what products I offer to my clients and what my rates are for those products.

Clean Up Your Sidebar

It’s a good idea to take a look at your sidebar once in a while, as it can easily get cluttered. If you run ads, make sure there aren’t any old ads that need to be taken down. If you put a featured post or posts in your sidebar, make sure they are seasonal and relevant. Update your bio and any other links that might have changed.

Update Your Email Signature

Your email signature can be a great advertising tool for your blog. Mine includes my bio and links to my social media profiles. You could also include seasonal information there. Check that all links are working and information is up-to-date.

Change Your Passwords

My email has gotten hacked twice now; it’s not fun. Changing passwords is a hassle but it’s worth it to protect yourself. I keep a notebook by my computer with a list of my accounts and passwords.

Set Goals for the Next Quarter

Set some goals for yourself. Look at your social media numbers and think about how you can grow them. Think about what brands you’d like to work with or what income you’d like to earn. Review past goals to see what worked. And make sure your goals are reasonable and reachable.

ABCs of Blogging

What quarterly blog tasks do you perform on your site?

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  1. Bonnie May 14, 2016

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