Make Guardian Angel Prayer Cards

Today’s craft is an easy yet fun activity you can do with supplies you probably have around the house. We made Guardian Angel prayer cards for the Feast of the Guardian Angels today, but your kids could also make saint cards to celebrate their favourite saints’ feast days.

Guardian Angel Prayer Cards (front and back)

Supplies needed (affiliate links):

Find and print a picture of a guardian angel or saint. I found this picture in Art 1 for Young Catholics by Seton Press; you could also search online for pictures or check Happy Saints and Holy Heroes. (Of course any images printed should be for personal use only.)

I also printed the guardian angel prayer for the girls (though they had fun choosing the font to print the prayer in). If your child has good handwriting, they could write the prayer out themselves. If you are doing saint cards, look up a quote or prayer written by the saint and print it or have your child copy it neatly onto their prayer card.

Once we had everything printed, the girls coloured their angels and cut out the picture and prayer. Then we glue the angel onto a piece of either construction paper (for Sunshine and Jade) or cardstock (for Lily). I let the girls use my fancy scrapbooking scissors to create the lacy edge around their pictures and prayers, and I used my straight-edge cutter for cutting the cards out for them.

Sunshine gluing her guardian angel card together

Once it was all glued together, the girls decorated their cards with stickers. I thought about letting them get out the glitter to adorn the angel’s wings and halos, but (confession time) I didn’t feel like dealing with the mess. Lily coloured her card since she’d used white cardstock instead of coloured construction paper.

Laminating our guardian angel prayer cards with our Scotch Thermal Laminator

Then we put the cards through the laminator and trimmed them. The girls are quite pleased with their new cards and have already memorized the prayer on the back. They had a lot of fun creating these cards and I liked the fact that it was easy and mess-free.

Cost: under $5

Difficulty: easy (suitable for ages 2-7)

Guardian angel prayer cards made by kids

These prayer cards would make great gift ideas for a child celebrating the sacraments (Baptism, First Confession, First Communion) or even just a birthday. Kids could make saint cards for friends who are named for special saints. It would also be a great gift for someone who is going through a tough time, as a tangible way to say “I’m praying for you and asking this saint to as well.”

31 Days of Useful Kids' Crafts

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