Explore Shannon Falls, British Columbia

Shannon Falls is a gorgeous little hike on the Sea to Sky Highway from Vancouver out to Squamish. Located just past the Britannia Mine Museum and just before the Sea to Sky Gondola, this waterfall is worth the stop and the ten-minute hike for the pictures and the view.

Hiking to Shannon Falls

The trail up to the falls is wide and paved, with a few signs along the way talking about the local frogs (which have tails!), how water carves rock, and more. The glimpsed of the falls through the trees are enticing, until you get around the corner to see the full splendor of the water:

Shannon Falls

Even the girls just stood there and watched for quite a few minutes. Yes, my girls who usually take a quick glance and then are ready to keep running on to the next thing. There’s something about water that’s fascinating and mesmerizing. So we just stood, with everyone else, staring up at the water tumbling down over the rocks, making a soft mist in the air, carving its way down the side of the mountain to gurgle into the stream past our feet.

Two girls on the trail at Shannon Falls

I love watching the girls walking together while we’re hiking. This picture is Jade with her cousin (who is ten), but she often decides to walk with either Sunshine or Lily as well. Sometimes they all walk together. Or run ahead. And I take lots of pictures.

Girls exploring the creek at Shannon Falls

Next to the parking lot for Shannon Falls is a large picnic area with washrooms. The girls enjoyed watching the stream flow past and playing in a few big trees and stumps.

So, if you’re heading down the Sea to Sky Highway, give yourself an extra half an hour to check out Shannon Falls. Parking gets very busy here during the summer, but the path should be stroller friendly. There’s also a path (more rugged) from there to the Sea to Sky Gondola, if you want to park there and hike over to Shannon Falls before riding up or down the mountain.

If you’re interested in this trail, or you’ve enjoyed it, you may also like these family-friendly hikes around greater Vancouver.

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