Graphic Novels for Kids

When I slid the books out of the envelope, Sunshine said, “Comic books! Are they for me?” Yes, these books were just for her. My husband is a huge fan of graphic novels and lately she’s been eying the books in his collection, so she was delighted to have her very own books to look at. They quickly disappeared into her room and I had to ask for a turn to read them.

Comic books for kids: Mr Strong, Hello Kitty and Mameshiba

The girls are big Hello Kitty fans, thanks to a friend of mine who introduced them to her. Hello Kitty: It’s About Time is a cute book that is entirely pictures. I enjoyed seeing how much story can be told with just images. The stories also all had a positive theme. In “The Race,” Hello Kitty stops her race to help a little bird that’s fallen out of its nest; then the mommy bird helps Hello Kitty make it to the finish line.

Mr. Strong: Good Thing I Came Along includes a lot more dialogue (with fairly small type). Each story is about Mr. Strong helping someone else who is in trouble. It offered some great opportunities to talk to Sunshine about helping our friends. The stories vary in theme, from the Wild West to pirate ships to dinner partires.

Sunshine is our social butterfly, so How to Be the Best Friend Ever caught my eye as a great way to discuss friendships with her. The book features the Mameshiba characters, with adorable illustrations, practical tips, space for writing responses, and a craft. I liked the way this book encouraged Sunshine to both read and write, while also giving her practical life skills for relating to her friends. It has a sturdy cover and includes two pages of stickers as well.

When I tried asking Sunshine which was her favourite book, she said, “I like all of them.” I’d definitely watch for more books from VIZ Media to add to her collection. If your kids are a fan of Manga, Anime and Japanese content, check out VIZ Media for more great titles and series!

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  1. Aeryn Lynne June 19, 2015

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