Behind the Blog: Ricky Shetty aka Daddy Blogger

Blogger Ricky ShettyRicky Shetty is the man behind Daddy Blogger.  Today, he’s sharing about why he likes Facebook, how he got started as a daddy blogger, and how blogging is really for his kids.

KBW: First, tell us a bit about yourself.

Ricky: My name is Ricky and I was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. My wife is Filipino and we have 2 beautiful children: Rianne (18 months) and Ryan (2 months).

I run the popular family-friendly website Daddy Blogger where I write about parenting from a father’s perspective as well as YVR Dads (a community of dads that meet up once/month) and YVR Bloggers (an online and offline community of Vancouver-based bloggers). I am passionate about entrepreneurship, networking, and connecting with others!

KBW:  When and why did you start blogging?

Ricky: I launched Daddy Blogger on Dec 1, 2012, and it really took off in the last year mainly because there are not many quality resources online just for dads. I started the blog because I couldn’t find much info in libraries, bookstores, or on the internet specifically targeting dads plus I wanted an outlet to share all my experiences as a new dad. I also love to write and published my first book on Father’s Day last year called Wisdom from Daddies.

KBW: How did you come up with your blog name?

Ricky: I searched online on Google for Daddy Blogger and DaddyBlogger.ca was available. Just this month, I also obtained DaddyBlogger.com so I can reach a Vancouver local market, a Canadian national market, as well as a global market through having both .ca and .com. I think Daddy Blogger is an awesome name since it pretty much tells you who I am and what I write about just from the name itself! 🙂

KBW: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Ricky: Daddy Blogger is a daily blog so I have a brand new blog post for the last year (over 365 consecutive blog posts). I must admit I missed a few days due to travel and other circumstances. However, for the most part it is a daily blog (you can even look back at all the date stamps going back to December 2012).

KBW: What is your favourite part of blogging?  Your least favourite part?

Ricky: My favourite part of blogging is creating an online archive to pass along to my children when they are older as well as making a difference in the lives of other parents. Plus, all the free swag is a bonus! 🙂  My least favourite part is when I don’t meet deadlines for my sponsored posts or when I have to review a product I don’t really like or have no use for.

KBW: What advice would you offer to other bloggers?

Ricky: I would suggest to write from the heart and write for yourself first even if no one reads. Also, be true to yourself and your mission. For me, my mission is to change the world—one dad at a time. So, I continually ask the question each blog post and in all my interactions connected to my website. Will this blog post add value to the life of other dads? Another important thing is to write consistently (the more frequent, the better)!

KBW: What is your favourite social media platform and why?

Daddy Blogger LogoRicky: My favourite social media platform is Facebook since I have the biggest network on there (over 5000 Facebook friends on my personal profile and over 1000 likes on my Daddy Blogger page). I also find that people are the most engaged on Facebook liking, commenting on, and sharing my blog posts.

I am also a huge fan of YouTube since I think Video Blogging is the way of the future (I currently have over 300 subscribers and over 200,000 views on my YouTube Channel). Plus, when you watch a video you can connect on a much deeper level than just through words.

Thank you for reading through my interview! Please connect with me on my website, on social media or by email at [email protected].

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  1. DeBalino March 3, 2014
    • Bonnie Way March 4, 2014
  2. Kristyl Clark March 3, 2014
    • Bonnie Way March 3, 2014

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