The DivaCup makes THAT time of month easier (really!)

Sometimes, when I tell my husband what I’ve been chatting about with my girlfriends, he raises his eyebrows.  I guess guys don’t have the equivalent of a “little friend” to discuss, or perhaps I have a very open group of friends.  Most of us see our cycles as a fact of life, something we have to put up with on a regular basis, and so it comes up in our conversations. Like my DivaCup.

The DivaCupI’ve heard about the DivaCup for a few years and recently, in part because of a friend’s rave review, decided to try it out.  I like the idea of not spending money on feminine hygiene products and not filling up my garbage each month.

Another thing that attracted me to the DivaCup was the fact that most feminine hygiene products contain perfumes, drying agents, and other chemicals.  After Sunshine’s birth, my midwives warned me not to use most brands of pads as the chemicals in them would interfere with my healing.  How do those chemicals affect me the rest of the time?  With the DivaCup, I don’t have to worry about that.

If a woman’s period is her “little friend,” then the DivaCup is her “best friend.” After just one day of using it, I could totally understand why my friends raved about it. It was just as easy to use as a tampon, but I didn’t have to be constantly checking my purse or the bathroom drawer to make sure I had enough products around. Just remove, drain, rinse, insert again, and go.

The DivaCup is available in two sizes.  I found it easy to insert, although once or twice it seemed to be a bit more difficult.  The cup comes with complete instructions for use and care.  It can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time, so you only need to empty and reinsert it twice a day (unless you have a really heavy cycle).  (I like that!)  It can also be worn while doing sports, as it will not leak or shift (again, this was important for me as I’m a swimmer and don’t want to worry about my little friend while I’m in the pool).

The DivaCup is available in two sizesOverall, the DivaCup just simplified that time of month for me.  The DivaCup website has a ton of information if you have questions or concerns about this product.  You can also follow DivaCup on Facebook.

From the website: The DivaCup is the only menstrual cup allowed for sale in Canada by Health Canada.  It also holds market approval by the US FDA.  The DivaCup is latex free and is made from top quality silicone, a material that has been used in healthcare applications for over 50 years.

“With all the state-of-the-art conveniences Western society has developed, it baffles us why outdated feminine products are still being used. We believe that reusable menstrual cups are the next generation of feminine hygiene because they are the most environmentally responsible choice. They are also the most convenient and reliable option available and are not linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome.” ~Francine Chamber (DivaCup creator)

I was provided with a DivaCup for this review, but I was not otherwise compensated for this post.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Brenda July 17, 2012
  2. Bonnie Way July 17, 2012
  3. Christine July 16, 2012
  4. Kathleen (aka Callista) July 16, 2012
  5. Julia July 16, 2012
  6. Deborah Coombs July 15, 2012
  7. Brenda July 15, 2012
  8. Bonnie Way July 15, 2012
  9. Insane Mamacita July 15, 2012
  10. Brenda July 15, 2012
  11. Bonnie Way July 15, 2012
  12. Brenda July 15, 2012

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