Writers-on-Wednesday: Deanna Nowadnick

Deanna Nowadnick, author of Fruit of My SpiritI love meeting other writers and hearing their stories about writing, so I’m happy to introduce you to Deanna Nowadnick today.  Deanna recently released her first book, Fruit of My Spirit, a memoir “of missteps and misdeeds.”

TKM: How did you become a writer?

Deanna: I didn’t plan to be a writer. Even though I majored in English in college, I never enjoyed writing assignments. I actually think it had more to do with being told what to write, rather than the writing itself.

Fruit of My Spirit is my first book. I really didn’t intend to write a book. I just wanted my sons Kyle and Kevin to know how I met their father, but one chapter became two chapters and then two chapter became three… Finally I said to anyone who would listen, “I think I wrote a book!”

Before she died, my mom had asked me to write a book. At the time my boys were very small and the notion of writing was unfathomable. I couldn’t get a grocery list put together! Before my father died, he reminded me that mom had wanted me to write a book. At the time the boys were in college, and the notion of writing was unfathomable.

Writers write books. Last year I wrote a book. My boys were now adults and I’d run out of excuses. I was also at that age when I could pause and reflect.

TKM: What inspires  you to write?

Deanna: I love telling stories. The writing experience has reaffirmed for me the importance of all of us telling our stories. I am most inspired to think that my book may encourage others to tell their own stories.

I have to admit that divine gratitude gave way to sheer joy and excitement when I held the first copy of my book. I carried it with me from room to room. I thumbed the pages. I learned that there is nothing as cathartic as sharing our experiences in writing. Words, sentences, and paragraphs give order and meaning to so many things that thrown into our mental box of memories. Shared experiences and the retelling of our shared experiences also give life depth and meaning. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the sound bites of the day. More important are our individual experiences, those unique to us and those we’ve had the joy of sharing with others. Unless we share that uniqueness, others will define us, and it’s those definitions that can ultimately divide.

TKM: Who is your favorite author and why?

Deanna: I have many authors who inspire, encourage, and entertain me.

Anne Lamott gave me the courage to write and to keep writing.

Jane Austen warms my heart.

Beth Moore feeds my soul and nurtures my faith.

Steig Larsson wow’s me.

And honorable mention has to go to Carolyn Keene who gave a young girl her first real love of reading. In third grade I really just wanted to grow up and be Nancy Drew.

To find out more about Deanna and her book, drop by her website or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

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  1. Create With Joy November 25, 2012
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  9. Deanna Nowadnick May 30, 2012

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