Book Review: Abundant Rain by Marcia Laycock

Marcia Lee Laycock’s new devotional book Abundant Rain is written just for writers.  Drawing on her extensive personal experience, both as a writer and as a mom and pastor’s wife, Marcia spins together lessons to draw a writer closer to God.

The title of the ebook comes from Deuteronomy 32:2: “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”  The verse is a beautiful reminder to me that God is my inspiration, the giver of my creativity, and that as I turn to Him, He will give me the words to share with others.  Marcia’s book provides bite-sized pieces of encouragement to help me focus on God each day as I write.

I enjoyed each of the devotionals.  Marcia has a gift for telling stories which draw you in and then leave you with an “ah-ha!” moment when she applies that story to a Scriptural lesson.  She shows how faith happens in small, ever day moments—how God speaks to us through our family, friends, and circumstances.

Marcia is the author of two other devotional books, The Spur of the Moment (daily “spurts” of faith) and Focused Reflections (devotionals for specific occasions).  She has also written a novel, One Smooth Stone, which won the 2008 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award from Castle Quay Books. For more about Marcia and her books, drop by her website.

Abundant Rain is available for purchase in a variety of ebook formats from Smashwords.  While you’re there, check out Marcia’s other titles (listed in the left sidebar)—several short stories are available for free.  I recently discovered Adobe Digital Editions and downloaded Abundant Rain in PDF format to read on my computer.  Adobe Digital Editions (free download) bookmarks your place and makes it easy to read—a perfect way to start my writing day after I turn on my computer.

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  1. Tracy Krauss August 26, 2011

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