Book Review: Espresso for Your Spirit

I admitted in my last post that I often turn to books for help and encouragement.  When I saw Pam Vredevelt’s book Espresso for your Spirit: Hope and Humour for Pooped Out Parents, I quickly downloaded it.  The book didn’t offer to solve any of my parenting questions; it simply offered encouragement from another mom who’s “been there, done that” and knows what it’s like when the dishes are piling up and the kids are bickering and you didn’t get any sleep last night.

Espresso for Your Spirit is the second ebook I’ve read.  It came with Adobe Digital Editions when I downloaded it, which is like an e-reader on your computer and makes it easier to “flip” pages and leave bookmarks.  While I still prefer print books (this one could have sat in my bathroom with my parenting mags, since that’s sometimes the only time I have to sit and read), I found the short chapters made it easy to read before checking my email or while waiting for the computer to do something else.  A few of the chapters were unusually long, leaving me thinking, “Get to the point already.”

One chapter that spoke to my heart was “Percolating Prayers.”  Often, I’ve criticized myself for getting too busy to spend time with God.  I used to be able to read several chapters of my Bible before starting my daily routine; now I’m running from the time the girls wake up until I get them into bed. Pam shares how she connects with God through short, daily prayers.  She lists examples of these prayers in Scripture and in her own life—just a few seconds in our daily rush when we can turn our thoughts to God.  She says, “For those of us who are pooped-out parents, what matters most is that we connect with God and link our soul with our Source. As the gentle touch of a light switch generates power to illuminate a room, so, too, our little prayers connect us with God and release His energy to empower us for the day.”

Pam talks honestly about slumps and ruts—those days when a mom’s energy is simply spent, when we don’t feel good about ourselves and become overly sensitive about tiny issues.  Then she says, “The best prescription for the Slump Syndrome is grace.  We give ourselves grace when we refuse to expect more from ourselves than we can possibly deliver.  We give ourselves grace when we grant ourselves permission to rest, sleep, play, take a break, and get alone with God.  A few minutes of quiet interaction with God can get us out of a rut much faster than striving, trying harder, and forcing ourselves into overdrive.”

Pam is refreshingly honest throughout Espresso for Your Spirit, sharing her own struggles as a mom of three.  Each chapter began with a Scripture verse and an anecdote from her life (or from her counseling experience).  Most chapters were short and “Power Perks” appeared between chapters to provide tidbits of humour, advice, or inspiration.  Like Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul or Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer, this is a book I’d be happy to share with my mommy friends (or I would, if I had a print copy to pass around.  You’re more than welcome to come over and sit at my computer to read my book.  I’ll even brew some coffee for you).

This book was provided for review courtesy of the publisher. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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  1. Koala Bear Writer September 14, 2011
  2. Javid Suleymanli September 10, 2011

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