Bummis Introduces Potty Pants

We’ve been working at potty training Lily for quite a while now.ย  She was doing great at using her potty last summer, but then we went back to Alberta for a couple of weeks.ย  The combination of long days in a vehicle and strange toilets on the road put her back in diapers.ย  When we got home again, I was busy with school and kinda left the potty training alone.ย  Then after Christmas, Lily woke up one morning and said, “I want undies.”ย  I was happy to oblige, but potty training has been up and down since then.ย  Some days there are a lot of accidents, leaving me very frustrated.

So when Bummis said they were looking for moms who were potty training to try their new Potty Pants, I said sure.ย  When the pants came in the mail, I showed them to Lily.ย  I wasn’t sure how she’d react to them, because she’s already been wearing panties for a while.ย  I explained that these were special potty pants to help her learn to go potty.ย  The next morning, she wanted to try them and told Sunshine they were special potty pants to help her learn to go potty.ย  I smiled.

The potty pants look like underwear but have extra absorbent layers to help with accidents.ย  I was a bit worried about how they would fit, as we’ve had other “training pants” (and even disposable pull-ups) that were just bulky and too big for my skinny girls.ย  These pants fit Lily perfectly and weren’t much bulkier than her regular underwear.

I reminded her a couple of times to go potty, and it was super easy to slide the potty pants up and down.ย  Then came the cry, “Mommy!”ย  She ran around to the potty, but she’d already gone both pee and poo in the new pants.ย  I was super impressedโ€”no mess all over the floor.ย  The potty pants caught the accident, yet she was still aware that she was wet.ย  I’ve been using them at night, as Lily has had a few accidents in her bed (something Sunshine never did), and again, Lily is happy to wear them for bed and they’ve kept her mattress safe.

Bummis Potty Pants are available in simple white or in two cool polka-dot designs.ย  You can get them in four different sizes, to fit every child from my skinny little girls to a chunkier toddler.ย  The potty pant was super easy to wash.ย  For me, it combined the best of cloth diapers (because it’s reusable and lets the child feel when they are wet) and underwear (because it’s easy to slide off and on).ย  I wish I’d discovered these when I started training Lily, but I’m super excited about using them now.ย  Maybe she will be totally trained by her third birthday!

Have you tried training pants for your child?ย  What tips have helped your toddler learn to use the toilet?

This product was provided for review courtesy of Bummis; all opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. j.c. delgaudio November 18, 2013
  2. DeftonesGirly April 19, 2013
  3. Christina Howell April 16, 2013
  4. kimmie April 13, 2013
  5. Bonnie Way April 8, 2013
  6. Dan L April 8, 2013
  7. Nikki Krutz April 7, 2013
  8. Shara W April 6, 2013
  9. Jennifer Mays April 5, 2013
  10. Vanessa April 3, 2013
  11. Addicted to Recipes April 1, 2013
  12. Journeys of The Zoo April 1, 2013
  13. Angie B. April 1, 2013
  14. product junki April 1, 2013
  15. MommyKnowz April 1, 2013
  16. Sara G April 1, 2013
  17. Sara G April 1, 2013
  18. adina holwerda April 1, 2013
  19. Maddie Klingaman April 1, 2013
  20. ReInventing Lolli April 1, 2013
  21. Yesenia March 31, 2013
  22. notaquiter March 31, 2013
  23. uglyfarmgirl March 31, 2013
  24. Nikki Krutz March 31, 2013
  25. Pier Juneau March 31, 2013
  26. Africa's Blog March 31, 2013
  27. Bonnie Way March 25, 2013
  28. Karina March 25, 2013

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