Writers-on-Wednesday: Carolyne Aarsen

Carolyn AarsenCarolyne Aarsen has had over a dozen books published by Love Inspired and a couple more by Guidepost books. Many years ago, I attended one of her workshops on writing fiction, and still have the notes (somewhere!). She’s been married to the love of her life for thirty years and they have four kids, all grown up. She is a full-time writer and has a regular contest on her website—so hop on over if you want to win some books!

How did you become a writer?

I’ve always fooled around a bit with writing and I’ve always loved reading, and I guess eventually the two intersected when I put the book down and said I think I could do this. My husband challenged me to follow through on that. But I lived in the middle of nowhere, and had no idea where to begin, until I saw an advertisement for writing correspondence course. This was something I could do out of my home, with five children in the house. I guess it was a way of escaping for me.

The correspondence courses led me to writing my first book, and the course also gave me ideas on how and where to sell the book. I sold my first book in 1997, and have been parked in front of the computer ever since.

What inspires you to write?

I have to confess that I very seldom feel inspired to write. For me it has become a matter of routine, showing up at the computer and getting the work done for that day. My inspiration for stories comes from ideas, or a snippet of conversation, or something I’ve read in my Bible, or something the pastor has said in his Sunday morning sermon—but these are inspirations for the actual story. Inspiration to write? That comes from writing.

What author do you admire and why?

That’s a tough one! There are so many writers that I admire for so many different things. I admire Elizabeth Berg, for her use of language, and her way of looking at a situation that makes me look at it again from new eyes. I admire C.S. Lewis for making me think. I admire my friend, fellow Love Inspired author Linda Ford, because she has a work ethic that puts me to shame.

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  1. Kimberley Payne January 15, 2009
  2. Joanna Mallory January 9, 2009
  3. Loren Christie January 8, 2009

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