Bring Back the Memories with Tin Toy Arcade

Have you bought toys for your kids just because you had them when you were a kid? or because you didn’t have them as a kid but your friends did and you always thought they were cool?

I can think of a few things we’ve gotten our girls because they sparked memories for my husband and I. There’s also a few toys our girls play with that our parents kept from when we were kids. Good toys stand the test of time and are loved by kids of any generation. That’s why I was excited to check out the Tin Toy Arcade.

Tin Toy Arcade: Classic Retro Fun

My husband and I spent an evening browsing the website, comparing notes about our childhoods and trying to decide which toys to get for our girls. There were so many toys to browse! They have much more than just tin toys—there are wood toys and plastic toys too. If you liked the toys in Toy Story, those are all available at Tin Toy Arcade.

We finally picked some toys and placed our order. Then we sat back to wait for the box to arrive… which it did very quickly… and we found an evening when we could all open it together and see the girls’ excitement over the new toys.

Sock Monkey from Tin Toy ArcadeThe girls loved the Sock Monkey jack-in-the-box. All of them wanted to turn the handle and make the monkey pop out. Jade loved the “surprise” every time he did, though she got frustrated when she tried to do it and he didn’t pop out. I gotta say, the monkey is adorable.

Stacking doll penguins from Tin Toy Arcade

At least once a day, Jade asks me for her penguins. She’s fascinated by this whole “family” that fits together. I’ve always loved matrushka dolls too, which is one reason I wanted to get these. Jade calls the biggest penguin Daddy, the next biggest Mommy, and the four little ones are usually sisters. And several times a day, I hear a cry because she’s lost “Daddy’s bum-bum,” as she calls the bottom part of the penguins. The set comes with six penguins (yes, we’ve lost a couple already) and says it’s for kids 3+ only because of the small parts.

Pull-along spotted brown puppy from Tin Toy Arcade

We have several wooden toys that my grandpa made. Unfortunately, they’ve been well-loved by the girls and are now in need of some TLC. So when I saw this puppy, I just had to get him. He’s cute. He looks simple and sturdy, and Jade can take him for a walk anytime she wants. The only problem was that his string was too short to pull behind her, so I had to tie another shoelace to him. And this puppy does get lots of walks.

Musical tin top from Tin Toy Arcade

Who doesn’t love watching a top spin and spin and spin? Our girls have tried to play with tops, but they can’t get most tops spinning yet. I thought this top would be easier to spin, because you only have to push the handle at the top. They all like getting it spinning and listening to the little song it plays (very faintly).

The Tin Toy Arcade has hundreds more cool toys and most of them are very reasonably priced. They even have a section for toys under $10—great ideas for birthday party favours. Check the website for sales and free shipping offers (US only).

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