Goo on My Shoe CD by Here Comes Trouble

Goo on My Shoe is a fun, upbeat CD from the band Here Comes Trouble. I was hooked with the first song, “I Want Dessert,” which made me smile and think of days when I choked down my own meal as a kid just for the apple pie or chocolate cake that I knew was coming next. I think the girls’ favourite song is “Don’t Eat the Mailman, Doggie,” a cute song about a girl who gets a dog.

Goo on My Shoe CD by the band Here Comes Trouble

Singer/songwriter Kelly Donohue and her husband and drummer Jon Babu are both conservatory-trained jazz musicians and successful lawyers. With their Here Comes Trouble band mates, they love sharing one of Kelly’s central songwriting messages: “never pass up a chance to embrace your inner silliness, whatever the occasion.Goo on My Shoe is certainly full of silliness that’ll have you tapping your toes and snapping your fingers (or singing along).

Kelly says, “Goo On My Shoe holds a special place in my heart because it has given me an opportunity to be a strong role model for girls, showing them it’s okay to be yourself without worrying about fitting into a predictable pattern. I want girls to know they can be strong, smart, unique, loud, and funny. I can write a mean legal brief, but I’m also not afraid to snort when I laugh!”

Here Comes Trouble band members

Kelly and Jon met at university, pursued their jazz careers with various bands, then returned to law school, married and started a family. In 2010, they realized their kids new nothing of their parents’ former musical careers. Starting their band Here Comes Trouble was a way to rediscover their passion for music but also to teach their kids about never giving up on a dream.

I love the way Kelly takes little events in a kids’ life and turns them into a song, like not wanting to eat supper but wanting dessert, or getting your shoe stuck on the sidewalk in the title song. Other songs have fun word plays, like “Alligator” (did you know how many words can rhyme with alligator?). Another of my favourite songs is “I Like Toys,” a nostalgic song about childhood toys and the people we shared them with.

To find out more about the band or listen to samples of their music, visit their website or follow them on Facebook. Goo on My Shoe is available on CDBaby.com, Amazon, iTunes and all Goo on My Shoe shows.

This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I received this CD for review courtesy of the publicist; all opinions expressed are my own.

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