Wise Company Delivers Delicious Emergency Meals

Living on the West Coast, we are constantly aware of possible earthquakes and tsunamis. The year Sunshine started kindergarten, her school underwent seismic upgrades and she did several earthquake drills (“Get under a table and hold the legs, Mommy!”). Before we moved to Victoria, my cousins faced a power outage there for one and a half days and I remember them talking about trying to stay warm and cook on their camp stove.

While I’m aware of the need for emergency preparedness, I’m afraid I haven’t done much about it. Wise Company just made it easier for me. They offer a great selection of delicious emergency meals with a 25-year shelf life that can be made in minutes with just boiling water. They sent me their Wise Favourites box—seven meals, including one breakfast—to sample.


I made a couple of the entrees up for our supper one night, just to find out how they tasted. The emergency meals can be mixed right in the mylar bag they come in; simply open the bag, add the water, stir, and close it while your meal cooks. Open the bag in fifteen minutes to serve it up!

We sampled the Noodles and Beef in Savoury Mushroom sauce. It disappeared quickly—everyone wanted more. My husband was impressed the dish contained real meat; he was expecting only meat flavoring in a freeze-dried meal.

We’ve had a couple of the other entrees for lunch and been just as impressed by the taste and quality. The girls weren’t huge fans of the Cheesy Lasagna but I enjoyed it. They wanted seconds of the Pasta Alfredo with Chicken.

One of the meals was breakfast, six-grain Apple Cinnamon Cereal. I was excited to try it, because instant oatmeal has been a camping staple for me since I was a kid. This was way better! It would definitely be a gourmet breakfast on the trail.

My only complaint about the meals: the serving sizes seemed small to me. Each package said it was two servings, but I easily ate the Apple Cinnamon Cereal by myself and my three girls ate one package of Pasta Alfredo and wanted more. The small size does help prevent food waste, but when camping or in emergencies, I expect us to be hungrier than usual.

Wise Company offers delicious, high-quality freeze-dried foods, made in minutes with only boiling water, perfect for emergency meals or camping trips.My plan: keep a box (or two) of Wise Company meals stashed with the camping supplies; if we actually go camping, I’ve got meals ready to go (and then I can replace them when we get back), and if we don’t, then I’m ready for an emergency.

Wise Company offers a variety of emergency meals, including gluten-free options, as well as other food supplies. They have freeze-dried fruit and vegetables, dairy and eggs, and meat. You can buy emergency kits or just grab some meals for your next camping or hiking trip. Drop by the website to request a sample or find out more.

Do you keep emergency meals or supplies on hand?

Wise Company provided me with these meals for the purposes of this review; all opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Amanda Komoski January 21, 2015
  2. Randa @ TBK January 21, 2015
  3. Little Miss Kate January 20, 2015
  4. Heather Lynne January 20, 2015
  5. {Erica}EverythingMomandBaby January 20, 2015

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