Love Rebel Mom Stories: because motherhood matters

When I go out with four children in tow, I’m aware of the eyes that follow us. At the grocery store, the swimming pool, church, dance class… wherever we go, I’m conspicuous for the four little pink figures around me. I tend to focus on them, feeling like a momma duck or a sheep-herder, rather than meeting the eyes of those who count the kids and may or may not have a comment to offer.

At home, we are just a normal family. When we are out, I’m vividly aware of the choice I’ve made to have more than the average number of children and not only stay home with them, but also keep them all with me by homeschooling. When grocery store cashiers and random strangers comment, “My you’ve got your hands full” or “are they all girls?“, I try to counter with comments like, “Yeah, we have lots of fun” and “They all play well together.”

"Children are gifts" quote by Anna Eastland from Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood

As my friend Anna says, I’m a Love Rebel Mom. I believe in motherhood, in what I’m doing at home. Even on the hard days (when the laundry stacks up and the girls talk back and the baby won’t nap), I know this matters.

So I encourage my fellow mothers to be rebels of love. Rebel against a culture which says that motherhood doesn’t matter… that raising children is a trivial mindless job, unfit for modern women. Rebel against the idea that serving yourself is the only way to happiness. Rebel against a culture which says that the gift of life is not worth giving.  ~ Anna Eastland, Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood

Two years ago, Anna and I and three other mom bloggers wrote a little book about motherhood. Love Rebel came together slowly, as we dealt with life as moms (including the loss of Anna’s daughter Josephine at birth). Even after it got published, our little book often got forgotten as we homeschooled, nursed sick kids, and tried to keep up with our blogs. Earlier this year, we finally printed copies of Love Rebel to share and sell locally.

"Family is crucial" quote by Melanie Jean Juneau from Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood

Recently, I asked other moms to share their Love Rebel Mom stories. I know many other moms who could have contributed chapters to this book. Moms who’ve given up jobs as teachers and singers and graphic designers to stay home with their child(ren) and make a difference for a future generation. Every Monday for the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing those stories. You can follow along here, as well as on social media with #LoveRebelMom.

If you have a story you’d like to share, email me. I’d be happy to send you a copy of our book to read so you can add your own “chapter” to the stories there.

Love Rebel Mom Stories

We know motherhood is tough. We know it can be hard to go out and face the stares and comments. We know that sometimes moms hide in the bathroom with our hands over our ears and wonder why we ever wanted kids in the first place. And so we hope, with our little book, to encourage you in your daily work as a mom.

In those moments when you’re hiding in the bathroom, read a chapter. (I promise that most of them are short.) Take a deep breath. Go back to your kids and give them a hug.

You can do this, Love Rebel Mom. You aren’t alone.

Subscribe to my email newsletter and receive a FREE copy of the Love Rebel Mom Journal printable! 60 pages of quotes and inspiration, with space to record your mothering journey.Subscribe to my email newsletter for your free copy of the Love Rebel Mom journal printable, with 60 pages of quotes and inspiration, plus space to share your mothering journey!

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  1. Laureen February 13, 2017
    • Bonnie Way February 14, 2017
  2. Hamilton February 13, 2017
    • Bonnie Way February 14, 2017

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