Brooklyn Baby CD by Joanie Leeds & The Nightlights

For the past year, the girls have had frequent living room dance parties with Joanie Leeds’ CD The Good Egg. We can all belt out the words to half the songs by memory, which is why I was happy to see that Joanie had a new CD out. Brooklyn Baby! celebrates Joanie’s New York roots. For us, it was like having an insiders’ tour to this famous city.

Brooklyn Baby CD by Joanie Leeds

“Ferry Nice” reminded me that New York, like Vancouver and Victoria, is a city on a waterway. We’ve yet to take the water ferry here in Vancouver, but we’ve ridden Victoria’s and I could imagine cruising under the Brooklyn Bridge with Joanie. “Subway” also made me think of the similarities between our two cities, though I suspect that this country-kid would get completely lost on New York transportation. “Pizza” celebrates Brooklyn’s famous dish, while also featuring Joanie’s jokes about attempting to write a song.

“Love is Love” is a gentle song that celebrates families. It briefly mentions “whether you have one mom or two,” but otherwise celebrates that no matter where we live or what our cultural heritage is, we can still be family. We have friends who have foster and adoptive kids, so I’ve talked to my girls about the fact that their friend has a birth mom and an adoptive mom. They are still a family, just like we are.

“From her roots as a theater major and performer in the hip clubs of New York City, Joanie Leeds has proved herself as a major talent in the field of children’s music.” ~ Parents’ Choice® Gold Award review of Joanie Leeds’ Good Egg

Joanie Leeds has been singing since age two. She majored in musical theatre at Syracuse University and began composing her own songs there. Then she moved to New York City, bartending and performing until she discovered a passion for making music for kids at a Manhattan Gymboree. Brooklyn Baby is her eight CD and Joanie has also released a full-length DVD for kids. She has numerous music videos on her Youtube channel and is currently working on more, while keeping up a busy teaching and perfoming schedule. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

“THE BEST KIDS’ ALBUMS NOW!  Leeds and her band bring big fun on their new release.  Don’t attempt a family road trip without this minivan-friendly winner.” ~ People magazine 

Brooklyn Baby is availabe on Joanie’s website, iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, TuneCore, and other related digital outlets. It includes 43 minutes of fun tunes for kids ages 4 – 9. Whether you’re listening in your minivan or dancing around the living room, Brooklyn Baby is sure to delight.

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