Spiritual Life Insurance for Children

I’m delighted to introduce a new blog contributor, Sarah from Wild Things Farm. As a convert, I love this post about creating spiritual life insurance for our children through the joy and beauty of Easter.

Spiritual Life Insurance for Children

Welcome to Easter!

Happy Easter!  The Church proved Her wisdom when She gave us fifty days of Easter, following a mere forty days of Lent!  We are a people who don’t always suffer well, but we do like to rejoice.

Our parish welcomed a whole host of new Catholics this Easter Vigil, among them some friends of our family.  A party was planned after the Easter Vigil Mass to welcome these friends Home to the Faith.  Easter Vigil at our parish starts at 8 pm, but is extremely long, so this party would not begin until closer to Midnight.

Here is where I feel I must defend my parenting.  We planned to attend this party, in the darkness of night, with our brood of six children.  In the end, only some were still awake, so my husband and a few of the children attended without me.  None the less, they were there and I believe the joy of midnight parties, infused with the joy of new souls in the Church, is far more important than prompt bedtimes.

Spiritual Life Insurance for Children

We count these joy-filled experiences, with the thrills of staying up late, as Spiritual Life Insurance for our children.  The memories that stay with our children are often the ones that are slightly out of the ordinary—the skipped bedtimes or sugary treats before meals.  The thrills and excitement of these things are the memories they will take with them.  In that sense, we try to tie our Faith to these benign thrills, so that as the kids grow and perhaps if they waiver, they’ll remember this joy and come home.

New souls joining the Church is important.  It’s one of the most joy-filled moments in the Church!  Easter is our salvation.  It could not be a more important day!  Easter and new Catholics call for the greatest of celebrations.   This is a lesson we want to really drive home for our children.  This is why we are here.  This is the why and the how of serving Our Lord.

The excitement of late night parties, grown-ups toasting wine, and children sneaking extra cookies is the Spiritual Life Insurance that we give our kids, so that when they’re grown and free to make their own choices, they choose Christ.  And His Church.  And that Joy will always bring them home.

More about Sarah

Sarah from Wild Things FarmMama to six kids ranging from teens to tots, Sarah spends her days homeschooling the littles and delivering forgotten lunches and homework to the bigs.  The family lives and homesteads a little piece of Indiana countryside and she chronicles their wild adventures at Wild Things Farm.

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