Happy Baby Cheeks Makes Cloth Diapering Easy!

I am excited to be trying out Happy Baby Cheeks’ cloth diaper service for the next six month. I’ll be sharing more about cloth diapering with you during this time, but I’d like to start by saying how EASY a cloth diaper service is!

Last week, a brightly coloured truck pulled up in front of our house and dropped off a big sack. The girls couldn’t understand my excitement as I showed them the neat, elastic-bound stacks of cloth diapers inside the sack. To me, the diapers meant less laundry. A cloth diaper service makes cloth diapering easy by taking care of the dirty diapers—and right now, I need that.

Happy Baby Cheeks cloth diaper service diaper truck

Why Use a Cloth Diaper Service?

We had a cloth diaper service when Sunshine was a baby. At the time, we lived in a one-bedroom second-floor apartment with a laundromat in the basement. I knew that washing diapers with a newborn would be difficult, but I liked the idea of cloth diapers. We used the cloth diaper service there for six months, until we moved away from the city and bought our first stash of cloth diapers.

Happy Baby Cheeks cloth diaper service diaper bag

Now, we live in a rented house with shared laundry in the basement. And I have three older girls, who love making laundry, despite my attempts to tell them that clothes they’ve only worn once don’t really need to go into the laundry bin. Taking care of a newborn, and the housework, and the laundry, and homeschooling and blogging, have been a bit overwhelming lately.

So when Happy Baby Cheeks offered us six weeks of cloth diaper service, I said, “Yes, please. Thank you so much!” I’ve seen their trucks driving around the city and it brings back fond memories of when Sunshine was a baby.

How a Cloth Diaper Service Looks

Every week, that truck drops off a big sack full of clean diapers and picks up the sack of dirty diapers. I pop the clean sack into my diaper bin, put the clean diapers in my bathroom cupboard, and change diapers all week. When the dirty diaper bin is full, the truck arrives to pick it up and drop off more clean diapers. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, as the girls would say!

Happy Baby Cheeks cloth diaper

Happy Baby Cheeks can vary the number of diapers required by your baby each week. For example, Sunshine liked having a dry bum so I think we were getting 100 diapers a week for her. Pearl has started with 70; we’ll see if she likes diaper changes as much as her big sister!

More about Happy Baby Cheeks

Happy Baby Cheeks also offers cloth wipes, overnight inserts, and other cloth diapering supplies. If you need a diaper pail and covers, they supply that too. I love how easy they make cloth diapering—plus, it’s also cheaper than buying disposable diapers. (If you know a mom in the Vancouver area having a baby, this could be a great idea for a baby shower gift! Talk to her and her friends about getting her set up with cloth diapers for a few months.)

Happy Baby Cheeks is a Vancouver-based cloth diaper service

If the idea of cloth diapers intrigues you but you don’t want to deal with dirty diapers, or you don’t have your own laundry, then I encourage you to check out Happy Baby Cheeks. They offer cloth diaper service for the greater Vancouver area, even going out to Mission! You can get more details, including price plans, on their website. You can also follow them on Instagram for more cloth diapering tips and information.

I am receiving six weeks of diaper service courtesy of Happy Baby Cheeks Cloth Diaper Service; all opinions expressed are my own.

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