Decorate a Tote Bag

I’m a huge fan of reusable grocery bags. My mom had a set when I was growing up and over the years, I’ve also accumulated my own set of cloth bags. I use them not just for groceries but for trips to the library, Sunshine’s violin lessons, or packing snacks to mom’s group. I love this craft because it’s not only super easy but it also provides a practical yet fun item to give away or use yourself.

Decorate a tote bag

Supplies needed (affiliate links):

Did I mention this craft was easy? I laid a bag out for each of the girls, handed them some markers, and said, “Have fun.” Okay, I also dug out a set of princess stencils someone gave us a while ago, because one set of these bags is destined to end up under the Christmas tree for their cousins.

Girls decorating their canvas tote bags with princess stencils and fabric markers

The princess stencils look really cool on the bags. Even Lily had fun using the stencils, though hers didn’t turn out quite the same. I helped her draw her hand prints on her bag and she mostly just scribbled. (Her bag is going to someone who will appreciate the scribbles.)

Princess tote bags

Sunshine and Lily spent quite a bit of time decorating their stencil scenes after they’d finished outlining them. In fact, they spent several hours working on their bags (Lily decorated one and Sunshine and Lily each decorated three).

Cost: $10-20

Difficulty: easy (suitable for children 2+)

If your kids enjoy this craft, here’s a few other ideas for fabric paints or markers:

31 Days of Useful Kids' Crafts

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