Decorate a Picture Frame

I love sharing pictures. Half of our fridge is covered in photos, either from family or friends. We have various picture frames scattered around the house and every year I do a family photo album. Too many of the pictures I take stay on my computer, unseen, so I love finding ways to share pictures. Like getting the girls to decorate picture frames to send to relatives who don’t get to see them very often.

Decorate a picture frame

Supplies needed (affiliate links):

  • picture frame (foam or wood)
  • glue
  • glitter, pompoms, stickers, buttons, etc

Jade decorating a picture frame with pompoms

For this craft, I found foam photo frames for the girls to decorate. I liked the foam frames because I figured they would be cheap to mail to relatives. These frames have both magnets and hooks on the back, so you can either hang them on the wall or put them on the fridge.

Putting glitter on a picture frame

For the decorations, I just dug through our craft box and pulled out whatever materials I thought the girls could glue onto the frames. Jade was excited about the fuzzy blue pompoms (leftover from a Christmas craft last year, I think). Sunshine made a collage with some assorted beads and sparkly things that someone gave us. Lily went for the glitter and sequins for her picture frame.

Adding alphabet stickers and glitter to a photo frame

This craft was, as you may have guessed from the pictures, a bit messy. The girls had fun with it and even Jade got in on the gluing (she loves gluing), but there were sequins and glitter all over. I did cover the table with paper before they started, so we were able to fold up some of the mess and just throw it out. I also get the girls to use my handheld vacuum to help clean up.

Glitter photo grame

Now I just need to find some good pictures of the girls to print for their frames…

The decorating possibilities for these frames are really endless. Sunshine went to a birthday party for a classmate last year at the beach, and decorated a wood photo frame with sand and seashells and other “beach” type items. The frame looks really sharp and is a great memory of that day.

Cost: $5

Difficulty: easy (suitable for ages 2+)

31 Days of Useful Kids' Crafts

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