Unshaken Love CD by Scott van Mil

When I was growing up, my mom usually had music playing while she baked, cooked, or cleaned. We’d often sing along with our favourite songs or just find comfort and inspiration in the right song playing at the right moment. I soon had my own stereo in my room and began growing my own collection of music. Lately, however, I only turn on music when we’re in the van and then it’s whatever the girls want to listen to.

So when the opportunity came up to review Scott van Mil’s debut worship album, Unshaken Love, I jumped at it. Some new music! Some music for me!

Scott van Mil's debut worship CD Unshaken Love

Unshaken Love overview

I’ve found myself once again turning on some music while I do my household tasks. Scott’s songs are easy to listen to, with the music beautifully complementing the lyrics but not overpowering them. One of my favourite songs is the second on the album, “Beyond Me,” which speaks to God’s amazing love for us:

Why would you be so mindful of me,

to lay aside your glory to be small and fragile like me?

Why would you choose to save on the cross up from the grave

such a slave to sin

Why come all that way when you’re so far beyond me?

Many of the songs have repeated lines, which made it easy for the girls to pick up on the songs and start singing along. (That made me smile; I thought they’d be asking for their own music when I turned on this CD, but instead they were singing and dancing along.) The repetition creates a prayer or meditative feel, especially in songs like “Spirit Intercede For Me.”

More about Scott van Mil

Unshaken Love is Scott’s debut album and the culmination of over twenty years of song writing and worship leading. Scott began leading worship at his local church in Ontario when he was 17. He  attended Bible college in BC, studying worship, music and theology before returning to Ontario to serve as a youth pastor and worship leader. Scott then returned to BC to serve as a pastor and study for his master’s degree. He has worked with worship leaders such as Steve McPherson of Hillsong and Brian Doerksen. He and his wife Heather have two daughters.

To find out more about Scott or his music, follow him on Facebook or Twitter. Unshaken Love is currently available on iTunes and Spotify.

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