Workouts for Mom (Janelle’s Story)

Just before Christmas, my husband and I started exercising together with encouragement from an old friend of his, Janelle Yasinski. She hosted a Facebook group to keep us accountable and told us about some great new BeachBody products. If you’re also looking to get in shape or lose weight this year, I thought Janelle’s story on finding workouts for mom might inspire you. Here’s how she—a busy mom of three—lost 30 pounds and found focus.

Workouts for Mom: Janelle's Story

In my young adult years, I was quite involved in leading retreats and serving within the church. As our family began to grow and new and beautiful responsibilities presented themselves, this passion for helping others in faith matters was simply left by the baby bag and the unopened mail.

At 7 weeks postpartum, with my third baby (my oldest had just turned 3), I found myself tired (to be expected), overweight and lacking motivation and discipline in many areas of my life, including prayer. I was continuously injuring my back by lifting car seats, groceries or kids.

It was around this time that my sister-in-law, who had 5 kids and was homeschooling, had just completed the T25 at-home DVD workout program, only 25 minutes of exercise a day, no gym to drive to, and no equipment needed other than a few free weights.  I figured if she could make time, then I could too. I needed to leave all those thoughts of being too busy behind and make being a mother my reason for fitness and not an excuse. I had nothing to lose (okay maybe some pounds) and everything to gain!

It has been exactly one year since starting this journey to becoming healthier, stronger and better. Both my husband and I have lost over 30 pounds each and even though the scale isn’t a great determiner of overall achievement, the other benefits are what we truly notice.

Beachbody coach Janelle Yasinski shares how she found workouts for mom to help lose weight and gain focus, even with three kids and a busy schedule!

By doing these at home workout programs (T25, 21 DAY FIX, P90 and now Insanity Max:30) with the online motivation offered to us from our free Beachbody coach and her accountability groups on Facebook,  I really saw many changes in my life. Not only was I developing a habit of fitness by doing approximately 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week, but I saw this discipline trickle into other areas of my life—my daily prayer, my eating habits, my time management.

I also noticed that I seemed to be getting sick less often, had more energy, more mental clarity along with a more positive outlook on the many tasks that lay before me. Anxiety seemed to be at bay along with the winter blues.

When you find a good thing, you can’t help but want to share that with others. It was at this point that I decided to become a Team Beachbody Coach to help others in their fitness journeys and to be good stewards of the gift of their bodies. It also became apparent to me that while caring for my children, I could have a little ministry on the side, to help others in their faith and fitness while providing some income for our family. Deep down, I really wanted others to know that THEY could do it; truly, God’s grace is sufficient.

That was the birth of my Facebook page where most of my comings and goings occur.

Beachbody coach Janelle Yasinski shares how she found workouts for mom to help lose weight and gain focus, even with three kids and a busy schedule!

If you or anyone you know is interested improving overall health, I would love to point you in the right direction, provide you with accountability and motivation to follow through and find a workout program that would best suit your state in life. If, like me, you have a passion for faith and fitness, and would like to help others while providing some income for your family, I would love to share the beautiful opportunity that becoming a coach has been and invite you as part of my team.

Don’t be shy, I’m here to serve.

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  1. Jenn January 19, 2015
  2. Amanda Komoski January 19, 2015
  3. Paula H January 19, 2015
  4. Randa @ TBK January 19, 2015
    • Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens January 19, 2015
  5. Sandy January 19, 2015

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