Christmas Break is Here!

Christmas break|picture of December calendar

This afternoon is my last workshop and I’m so happy to be finished for the term.  I was ready to be done last week, actually, and have been procrastinating on doing my last set of critiques for this class (one left to do, after I write this blog post).  Sunshine’s activities wrapped up last week (other than preschool), so now we have nothing on the calendar until January.

And that’s a good feeling.  In hindsight, I think I overbooked us this semester.  Throughout the summer, Sunshine woke up in the morning asking, “What are we doing today?”  She really liked having something to look forward to—playgroup or a babysitter or a swim lesson.  When I got the Fall Programs Guide, I signed her up for gymnastics on Monday, swim lessons on Tuesday, and a music class on Thursday—plus preschool two afternoons a week, my mommy’s group on Wednesday mornings, and a babysitter when I was at my two classes.

It was just as busy as it sounds.  While it was good for us to get out of the house, there were also many mornings when I wished that we didn’t have to dash off somewhere as soon as we’d had breakfast.  Even Sunshine didn’t get into the activities the way I thought she would.  She was okay with going to gymnastics, but she was also okay with staying at home.  She loved swim lessons and preschool.  Music class started out great, but by the end of the class, she was saying she didn’t want to go and was no longer participating in the class when we got there.

So I’ve been looking forward to December and to having a break from all of our activities.  I have a list of things I want to accomplish while I’m not writing critiques (although “revise my own stories” and “write a new story” are on that list)—some scrapbooking, some reading just for fun (more reviews coming!), some work on the next issue of FellowScript, among other things.  My husband’s schedule is also getting less busy, so I’m looking forward to some evenings to spend together as a family, taking in the Christmas festivities around Victoria before we head back to Alberta.

As one wise guy once said, “There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens…” (Eccl. 3:1 CEB).  I don’t see “a time to be busy and a time to relax” on that list, but I’m sure he intended it.  This Christmas, I’m glad for that change of season, that chance to pause and catch our breath and think about the past season before starting the next.

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