Laurie Berkner Band’s Superhero CD is SUPER FUN!

Usually I keep our CD stash in the van, as we like to listen to music while running about to the girls’ extracurriculuar activities. However, Sunshine likes the Laurie Berkner Band’s new CD Superhero so much that she brought it into the house. She and Lily memorized what tracks their favourite songs appeared on. I’d barely turn on the CD before I’d hear a request for “Track 7!” or “Track 23 please!”

Superhero CD by the Laurie Berkner Band

I received this CD for review courtesy of the publicist; all opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Our Favourite Songs on the CD

Daddy is a big fan of superheros, and a little of that has rubbed off on the girls. His pet nickname for Sunshine is “SuperMonkey.” While they don’t know all the superheroes mentioned in the title track, they enjoy this song. I love the way it encourages all of us to be superheroes and help others.

“To me, Superhero is about self-empowerment—being our best selves and discovering the superhero in all of us.” ~ Laurie Berkner

Their all-time favourite song on the CD is “Bubbles” (Track 7). We always have to listen to this track twice before moving on (and that’s only because I put in a one-repeat-only rule). Both Sunshine and Lily know all the lyrics to this song and usually belt it out as loud as they can. And with a catchy, bubbly beat, this really is a fun song. (If your kids don’t want to have a bath, see if this song will inspire them!!!)

Lily’s favourite song on the CD is the last track, “We are the Dinosaurs.” This is a bonus track, which is apparently the dance remix. It makes me think of a movie soundtrack—I can just picture a group of dinosaurs striding down the street while the camera does a grand, panoramic fly-in. It’s definitely got a catchy tune—and how many songs do you get to roar to?

Superhero by the Laurie Berkner Band features 21 fun tracks and 2 bonus tracks. I liked every song. Each has a unique, upbeat tune from a variety of music styles. The lyrics are fun and most have a positive message to encourage kids. When it comes to kids’ music, it doesn’t get any better than the Laurie Berkner Band!!!

“I wrote Superhero thinking about many things that I found fun as a kid, and I’m so thrilled to have such wonderful guests to share that fun, including superstar crown prince of reggae Ziggy Marley, super musical yogini Kira Willey, and our own superbassman Brady Rymer, who gets a special slot up front in addition to his regular vocal and instrumental contributions as a member of The Laurie Berkner Band.” ~ Laurie Berkner

More about Laurie Berkner

Laurie Berkner

Laurie Berkner started her career as a children’s recording artist in 1997. Before that, she was a children’s preschool music teacher. Her experience with kids definitely shines through in her music! Her CDs were a huge hit in New York and then across the country. Now, the Laurie Berkner Band has produced multiple albums, DVDs, ebooks and even apps! You can find more out more her and her music by dropping by her website.

Check out my review of Laurie’s NEWEST album, Waiting for the Elevator!!! It features more fun, family-friendly songs to sing and dance to!

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