Resources to Celebrate Mother Teresa’s Feast Day

Mother Teresa of Calcutta is one of the world’s most popular saints. This tiny nun who lived out her life serving the poorest of the world’s poor has been acclaimed as a hero by both religious and secular people alike. As her Missionaries of Charity continue to carry out her work, her life story also continues to inspire us. Here are some resources to provide daily reminders and reflections on what Mother Teresa taught.

Resources to Celebrate Mother Teresa's Feast Day. Image of Mother Teresa's hands folded over a rosary in her lap via https://www.motherteresamovie.com/press-images.

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Feast Day Fun

Mother Teresa’s feast day is celebrated on September 5, the anniversary of her death. This is a great day to learn more about this amazing saint and celebrate her life.

Mother Teresa: No Greater Love—Spanning 5 continents, this documentary features footage of modern-day Missionaries of Charity carrying on Mother Teresa’s legacy, interviews with people who knew her or her work well, archival footage of historical moments and re-enacted moments in her life.

10 Simple Ways to Celebrate Mother Teresa with Your FamilyThe canonization of another Saint is worth celebrating for sure! I want my children to be excited about this historic day. It is my hope that this blog post of ideas/links I have collected will inspire others (and myself) to honor and celebrate Mother Teresa’s canonization with our families.

Feast Day Fun: Mother Teresa of CalcuttaMother Teresa is known for her virtue of compassion and for being the “icon of the Good Samaritan”, caring for the sick and the poor in India. She models for us the Scriptural Works of Mercy… meeting both the Corporal and Spiritual needs of each person she encountered.

Saint Teresa and the Virtue of Meekness(lesson and activities) St Teresa modelled Meekness, the virtue which is a disposition of being quiet, gentle, obedient and humble. It is patience during suffering, willingness to follow the Gospel Teachings and serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others.

Mother Teresa Products

Mother Teresa Quote Colouring Pages—if you or your children enjoy colouring, check out these beautiful colouring pages. Each of the 8 pages features an inspirational quote from Mother Teresa. These are a free PDF download.

Celebrate Mother Teresa's Canonization with these beautiful Quote Colouring Pages

Rosary Teething Chews in Mother Teresa’s colours—this beautiful blue-and-white rosary is soft and chewable for teething babies. Perfect for them to play with while Mom prays a rosary and reflects on Mother Teresa’s life!

Roman Inc. JOSEPH STUDIO-RENAISSANCE COLLECTION 5.55.5″ St. Mother Teresa Figurine—this resin/stone mix statue shows Mother Teresa stepping forward with her hands folded under her chin. A beautiful gift idea for a child who has chosen St. Mother Teresa as a patron saint.

Inspirational Mother Teresa Quotes Pillow Case—18 x 18″ high quality cotton burlap pillowcase with Mother Teresa’s quote about “people are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway” printed on it.

Books about Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta

Mother Teresa (Revised Edition): An Authorized Biography

Who Was Mother Teresa?—illustrated paperback in the Who HQ series from Penguin; suitable for children ages 8 to 12.

Holy Heroes CD and Colouring Book—the story of Blessed Mother Teresa is one of our favourite Glory Stories. This story is a great way to introduce your children to this amazing saint.

Advice and Inspiration from Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa’s Advice for TeachersTosha and Jeanice walked into my classroom and gave me one of those looks only women have the power to give. The look that says, “I don’t like you and I don’t trust you.” I felt it penetrate me.  It was my first year as a teacher, and I was doing my best to act un-phased. But I was phased.  The way they looked at me got me to the core.  And I will admit, I was a little intimidated.

Celebrating a NEW (and favorite) Saint: Saint Teresa of CalcuttaI’ve watched with excitement and joy as the Church beatified and will soon canonize this amazing woman. For the second time in my life, a living saint I “knew” during their life on earth is to be canonized and added to our official list of saints in heaven! This is so exciting!

A Personal Tribute to Mother Teresa: My Mystical Journey to DarjeelingIt happened one morning during my High School English class when I was asked to select and write about my role model. Mother Teresa’s image with the iconic blue and white habit immediately came into my head. Looking around, I noticed that others were writing about Madonna, Sandra Day O’Conner, and Geraldine Ferraro, to name a few. And, I began to wonder why I had selected a woman so detached from this world living a life of self denial with a singular focus to care for the poorest of the poor. And so began my journey of self discovery.

Mother Teresa: A Lamp in the DarknessShe founded a religious congregation. She served the poor with radical acts of Christian charity. She fought for the rights of the sick, the downtrodden and the unborn. She won the Nobel Peace Prize. But Mother Teresa’s achievements, however brilliant, are not what draw me to seek her intercession.  Instead, I find comfort and solace in what the holy nun did not achieve during her life on earth–a lasting spiritual peace or emotional experience of God.

A Life of Mother Teresa of CalcuttaJust over one hundred years ago, a young girl named Agnes was born on August 26th in Yugoslavia. She would someday become known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I didn’t join the Catholic Church until ten years after her death, but I still remember hearing about her. This little Catholic nun caught the attention of the entire world for her work in India’s slums.

Resources to Celebrate Mother Teresa's Feast Day. Image of Mother Teresa's hands folded over a rosary in her lap via https://www.motherteresamovie.com/press-images.

What has Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta meant to you?

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  1. Suzette Morin September 3, 2016
    • Bonnie Way September 3, 2016
  2. Elise September 1, 2016

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