The Juno Baby Carrier by Mountain Buggy

I’ve been babywearing since my oldest was an infant. In fact, when Sunshine was six months old, we did a day hike in Waterton National Park with her on my back. That trip taught me the importance of a sturdy, ergonomically designed baby carrier. That’s why I’m so excited about the Juno baby carrier made by Mountain Buggy. Here are three reasons why I love it.

#1: The Infant Insert

The Juno is Mountain Buggy’s first baby carrier and its meant to hold babies from birth until they can walk on their own. Most other baby carriers sell an infant insert separately, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the insert included with this carrier. The insert itself is also adjustable, depending on the size and age of your baby. I was thus able to use this carrier as soon as it arrived at our place a few weeks ago.

The infant insert is soft, padded cotton with a pillow at the bottom of baby’s bum. This pillow helps make sure that their body is in the right position in the carrier. When they are little, their legs aren’t quite long enough to straddle the carrier, so the pillow helps lift them up a bit. It also places their head at the right position in the carrier, close enough to kiss.

Bonnie Way carrying her baby in the Juno baby carrier by Mountain Buggy

#2: Flexible Carrying

The Juno baby carrier can be used in four carry modes. So far, because Pearl is barely 5 months, we’ve only tried the front, stomach-to-stomach carrier. Once she’s no longer using the infant insert, I’m looking forward to switching her to back carry mode (where I have carried Jade, who just turned 3). I find the back carry mode is a bit easier on my back, though it’s a bit harder to get the child into.

The Juno can also be used in front carry mode with the infant facing out, allowing them to see more of the world (great for a slightly older baby who no longer naps as soon as you put him in the carrier). There’s also a hip carry mode.

#3: Pockets

When I’m babywearing, I usually walk with my hands over my baby’s back. So the Juno has a pocket right there, just the right size for me to slip both my hands into. I feel closer to Pearl when holding her and still comfortable with a place to rest my own arms. Plus, there are two small pockets on the waistband for me to tuck my phone or some cash into when we head out to the park for an hour.

Juno baby carrier

#4: Easy to Adjust, No Dangling Straps

One of my favourite parts of this carrier is the elastics at the end of each strap, to keep them neatly rolled up. No more dangling or dragging straps. It’s easy to adjust the straps as needed to carry different children (Jade still likes getting rides once in a while) or for different carries.

#5: Ergonomic for Both Mom and Baby

While I know the value of an ergonomically designed carrier for me, I also love the Juno because it’s designed for baby too. There have been recent articles about various baby products being bad for baby’s development. The Juno carrier is acknowledged by the International Hip Displaysia Institute as being a hip-healthy product when used as directed.

Whether I’m out for a walk with the girls, or using the Juno at home to let Pearl nap while I vacuum or blog, I’ve been thoroughly impressed by it. The Juno is easy to use and comfortable for both Pearl and I.

More about the Juno Baby Carrier

I’m honoured to be a Mountain Buggy Juno pilot, meaning I will keep testing this product and will share more about it with you. You can see what I and my fellow Juno pilots are sharing about it on social media by folllowing #mbjuno. To find out more about Juno baby carrier, including other reviews and exact specifications, check out the website.

I received the Mountain Buggy Juno Baby Carrier for my participation in the Mountain Buggy Juno pilot program; all opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Kylie @ Handmade Kids April 11, 2016

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